Why is my dog not learning??

  How many of you have a dog that has a behavior issue you’d like to change? Maybe you’ve tried and not been successful in curbing the counter surfing or jumping up. I’ve heard people say many times that their dog is just stubborn or theri dog...

Best Boredom Busters for your Dog!!

   1.Kongs! Kongs are some of our favorite go-to boredom buster toys.We love them because they are so durable, easy to clean and versatile. Kong’s come in tons of sizes as well as various strengths. They’ve got regular, super chewer, puppy and senior kongs...

Introducing a New Dog to your Home

  1.Preparing Your Home Before bringing your new dog home, it’s important to prepare your living space to create a safe and welcoming environment. Remove any potential hazards, such as toxic plants or small objects that could be chewed on. Set up a cozy...